Source code for remarking.models

""" Contains SqlAlchemy models and their helper methods """
import datetime
import hashlib
import typing as T
from typing import Dict

from dateutil import parser as date_parser
from rmapy import document as rmapy_document
from sqlalchemy import (TIMESTAMP, Boolean, Column, ForeignKey, Integer,
                        String, Text)
from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base

Base = declarative_base()
C = T.TypeVar('C', bound='ModelMixIn')  # pylint: disable=C0103

class ModelMixIn():
    """ MixIn for common functionality used for SqlAlchemy models. """

    def from_dict(cls: T.Type[C], data: Dict[str, T.Any]) -> C:
        """ Construct model from a dictionary.

            data should have keys that match model names exactly.
        columns = [ for column in cls.__table__.columns]  # type: ignore
        constructor_args = {}
        for key, value in data.items():
            if key in columns:
                constructor_args[key] = value
        return cls(**constructor_args)  # type: ignore

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, T.Any]:
        """ Return a dictionary that represents the model. """
        return { getattr(self, for c in self.__table__.columns}  # type: ignore

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({str(self.to_dict())})"

[docs]class Document(Base, ModelMixIn): """ Represents the current state of a document originating from reMarkable cloud """ __tablename__ = "document" id: str = Column(String(256), nullable=False, primary_key=True) """ Primary key for document. This is a UUID generated by the reMarkable tablet. """ version: int = Column(Integer, nullable=False) """ The version of the document according to the reMarkable cloud. """ modified_client: datetime.datetime = Column(TIMESTAMP, nullable=False) """ The unix timestamp for the last time this document was modified. """ type: str = Column(String(256), nullable=False) """ The type of the document. """ name: str = Column(Text, nullable=False) """ The name of the document as visible on the reMarkable tablet. """ current_page: int = Column(Integer, nullable=False) """ The current page the document is opened on. """ bookmarked: bool = Column(Boolean, nullable=False) """ Indicate if the document is bookmarked. """ parent: str = Column(String(256), nullable=False) """ The parent of the document. This is usually a folder ID. """
[docs] def equal(self, other: 'Document') -> bool: """ Check for equality with other documents. """ return ==
[docs] @classmethod def from_cloud_document(cls, cloud_document: rmapy_document.Document) -> 'Document': """ Create a Document model from a reMarkable cloud document. """ cloud_document_metadata = cloud_document.to_dict() cloud_document_mapping = { "ID": "id", "Version": "version", "Message": "message", "Success": "success", "ModifiedClient": "modified_client", "Type": "type", "VissibleName": "name", "CurrentPage": "current_page", "Bookmarked": "bookmarked", "Parent": "parent" } cleaned_metadata = {} for key, value in cloud_document_metadata.items(): if key not in cloud_document_mapping: continue new_key = cloud_document_mapping[key] if key == "ModifiedClient": cleaned_metadata[new_key] = date_parser.parse(value).replace(tzinfo=None) else: cleaned_metadata[new_key] = value return cls.from_dict(cleaned_metadata)
[docs] def to_metadata_dict(self) -> Dict[str, T.Any]: """ Return a dictionary that matches the .content file used by the reMarkable. """ return { "deleted": False, "lastModified": self.modified_client.timestamp() if self.modified_client else None, "lastOpenedPage": self.current_page, "metadatamodified": False, "modified": False, "parent": self.parent, "pinned": False, "synced": True, "type": self.type, "version": self.version, "visibleName": }
[docs]class Highlight(Base, ModelMixIn): """ Represents a single highlight for a Document. """ __tablename__ = "highlight" hash: str = Column(String(256), primary_key=True, nullable=False) """ Primary for a highlight. This is a hash of the document_id and text. """ document_id: str = Column(String(256), ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) """ The document that the highlight is associated with """ text: str = Column(Text) """ The text of the highlight """ page_number: int = Column(Integer) """ The page number on which the highlight is located. """ extracted_at: datetime.datetime = Column(TIMESTAMP) # type: ignore """ A unix timestamp of when the highlight was extracted. """ extraction_method: str = Column(String(256), nullable=True) """ What method was used to perform the highlight extraction. """
[docs] @classmethod def create_highlight(cls, doc_id: str, text: str, page_number: int, extraction_method: str) -> 'Highlight': """ Create a Highlight. This should be used in place of the default constructor as it properly constructs the highlight hash. :param doc_id: The id of the document this highlight is associated with. :param text: The text of the highlight. :param page_number: The page number where the highlight is located. :param extract_method: The extraction method. :return: An instance of highlight for these values. """ return Highlight( document_id=doc_id, text=text, hash=hashlib.sha224((text + doc_id).encode()).hexdigest(), page_number=page_number, extraction_method=extraction_method, )
[docs] def equal(self, other: 'Highlight') -> bool: """ Check for equality with other Highlights. """ return (self.hash == other.hash and self.text == other.text and self.document_id == other.document_id and self.page_number == other.page_number)