Source code for remarking.cli.writer_command

import typing as T
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import Callable, List, TypeVar

from remarking import models
from remarking.cli import writer as writer_

FC = TypeVar("FC")
ClickOption = Callable[[FC], FC]

[docs]class WriterCommand(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Base class for defining writer commands. Writer commands are subcommands instructing remarking how to output the results of extractors. For example, :class:`JSONWriterCommand` adds the json subcommand to ``remarking run`` and ``remarking persist``. Placing a concrete implementation of this class in the ``remarking.cli.commands`` package will ensure it is automatically picked up by remarking. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def name(self) -> str: """ Return the name of the command as referenced on the command line. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def options(self) -> List[ClickOption]: """ Return a list of click options to use for the command. The list can be constructed from the return value of :func:`click.option`. These options will be added to the default options for the run or persist command. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def long_description(self) -> str: """ The long description for your command. Shown when running ``--help`` """
[docs] @abstractmethod def short_description(self) -> str: """ The short description of your command. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def writer(self, documents: List[models.Document], highlights: List[models.Highlight], **kwargs: T.Any) -> writer_.Writer: """ Parse options and return a configured instance of a concrete :class:`Writer` class. :param documents: The documents that were processed by extractors. :param highlights: The highlights resulting from the extractors. :param kwargs: options specified in the :meth:`options` method are available here. :return: Return an instance of the writer implementation for your command. """