Source code for remarking.cli.commands.table_writer_command

import typing as T
from typing import List

import click
from tabulate import tabulate

from remarking import models
from remarking.cli import common, log
from remarking.cli import writer as writer_
from remarking.cli import writer_command

# pylint: disable=line-too-long
[docs]class TableWriter(writer_.Writer): """ Writes normalized documents and highlights to a simple table. Resembles: .. code-block:: text highlight_text highlight_page_number document_name -------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------- Alice was sitting curled up in a corner of the great arm-chair 11 Through the Looking Glass :param documents: The list of documents to generate a table for. :param highlights: The list of highlights to generate a table for. :param columns: The columns to print for the table. A list of columns can be found by running ``remarking list columns`` :param truncate: If the ``highligh_text`` column should be truncated. :param print_plain: If a plain table with only spaces and new lines should be printed. """ def __init__(self, documents: List[models.Document], highlights: List[models.Highlight], columns: T.Optional[List[str]] = None, truncate: bool = True, print_plain: bool = False) -> None: self.truncate = truncate self.print_plain = print_plain self.highlights, self.headers = common.get_column_filtered_highlights_and_header(documents, highlights, columns) def write(self, logger: log.CommandLineLogger) -> None: if self.print_plain: logger.output_result(tabulate(self.highlights, headers="keys", tablefmt="plain") + '\n' if self.highlights else "") else: if self.truncate: for highlight in self.highlights: text = highlight['highlight_text'] highlight['highlight_text'] = text[0:100] + ("..." if len(text) > 99 else "") for highlight in self.highlights: text = highlight['document_name'] highlight['document_name'] = text[0:100] + ("..." if len(text) > 99 else "") logger.output_result(tabulate(self.highlights, headers="keys", tablefmt="simple") + '\n' if self.highlights else "")
[docs]class TableWriterCommand(writer_command.WriterCommand): """ The writer command implementation for the ``table`` output writer.""" def name(self) -> str: return "table" def options(self) -> List[writer_command.ClickOption]: return common.column_based_output_options + [ click.option("--plain/--no-plain", "print_plain", default=False, help="Output one data entry per line." ), click.option("--truncate/--no-truncate", "do_truncate", default=True, help="Truncate results when printing plain" ) ] def long_description(self) -> str: return """Output highlights normalized with documents as a table. Check out `remarking list columns` for a list of columns to choose from for the `--columns` option. """ def short_description(self) -> str: return "Output highlights normalized with documents as a table" def writer(self, documents: List[models.Document], highlights: List[models.Highlight], **kwargs: T.Any) -> writer_.Writer: columns = kwargs['columns'] do_truncate = kwargs['do_truncate'] print_plain = kwargs['print_plain'] return TableWriter(documents, highlights, columns, do_truncate, print_plain)